The account below is true and complete to the best of my ability with allowance given to
its occurrence more than a half century ago. Taking a visual experience and turning it
verbal presents its challenges in the translation…but here we go!
351 Union Street, Jersey City, New Jersey: It was a pleasant evening as young Tom sat on his front porch alone by himself enjoying the last days of summer. School had just begun a week earlier, and he was in kindergarten attending PS 33, the school across the street. The schoolyard was empty as all of his friends were probably busy with homework or just getting ready for school the next morning ahead. Tom turned his head down the block when suddenly he saw the black railings of his neighbor’s porch glow fiery red. He looked for car brake lights, but none were found. Concurrently, he was imparted with a simple thought but soon to be profound message --- “Expect two visitors tonight.” For that moment he could see forward and backward in time and his impression was that of vast intelligence.
Now awake in bed at about 9:00 p.m., Tom had the feeling he was being watched from behind and turned to see two discrete apparitions hovering above the foot of his bed. Both beings suddenly took shape: one the head of a male and the other the figure of a veiled female. The male head glistened and was recognized by Tom as the lead judge played by Spencer Tracy in the TV airing of “Judgment at Nuremberg”. The thought of “Judge” was imparted to Tom. The female held her position and appeared as the Madonna with head slanted sideways as if contemplating spirituality
Momentarily, the male turned into his paternal grandfather and Tom thought, “You’re not my grandfather”. In a flash, the figure then repositioned himself high above the bed and displayed the silhouette of Tom’s father, this time, and exclaimed “We’re family!” Once again Tom thought to himself “You’re not my father…he’s out bowling”. The male being then lifted one arm in a sweeping motion as if to be tossing a bowling ball, but young Tom steadfastly refused to go along with it. The figure glittered fiery red and then gold disclosing he was a warrior on the side of good. The male being then glittered blood red and fizzled communicating, “What I’m about to tell you will boil your blood”. The female figure held her position above the foot of the bed throughout the exchange. The male then disappeared for about four seconds while conveying the thought of Ancient Rome.
A screen was displayed shaped like a four-sided pyramid that encompassed a quarter of the room and he began communicating its composition and meaning. Three corners emit tone or signal: the lower left ‘blood’ for war; upper left ‘life’ for energy or vitality and the upper right ‘soft or warm signals’ for love. The lower right ‘death’ exhibited nil to faint tones by itself but was believed to be the resultant projection of the other three emitting corners on it. Lining the inner four walls were the unique signals cast from the three corners.
The male then focused in on two points on the left wall. One point was low and translated to be manure and is undesirable in the eyes of God. The second point was high above center and translated to be valor --- a trait of higher power and closer to God. Together, the two points served as directional.
Across the pyramid were dots ranging in hue from black to bright white to dingy yellow scattered about the screen but on a level plain. Upon closer examination, it was realized that each dot emitted its own distinct signal. The message was conveyed. “This is what God sees…this is soul”. The male then presented a large solid circle in the lower right -hand quadrant, midway across, that suddenly shrunk in size to a point while communicating the message “You are here.” The bright white dot appearing in the upper left-hand quadrant of the screen emitted signals of diamond and gold as it rose from the pyramid imparting the message, “This is the way home.” All the remaining dots then swirled counter-clockwise and collapsed to the floor downward with the message “A fall from grace”.
The male then appeared hovering above the bed and indicating “You are me and I’ve come back in time to warn you.” The female flashed forward alongside appearing as Tom’s paternal grandmother now wearing a gown with many stars. The male conveyed the message “Now I want you to fall asleep and I’ll tell you the whole story”. Suddenly Tom felt a sensation on his genitals, he cried and then fell right asleep.
The first night’s story was dedicated to the subject of the devil’s downfall from Heaven but upon waking the next morning Tom couldn’t remember any of the details…only that it was the topic. The second night was filled with stories but just before waking (now in a light sleep) Tom was given a summary of what transpired before, so he could remember it all this time around.
The summary had pictured three stellar beings carrying Tom across a white, cottony surface and then dipping him down a well that contained discrete body signals or souls, some male, some female, some old and some not so old. All the signals were positive
The next thing Tom knew he was withdrawn from the well and there were two green scaly-skinned devils with spear-shaped tails standing side-by-side looking on. The thought was communicated that the devils were watching and learning God’s way (through technology). A scratch sniff test of both devils revealed the body signals or souls of horse manure. A female devil then appeared wearing a plaid skirt again also with speared-shaped tail and the scratch sniff revealed this time ammoniated dog feces. The summary ended with a warning with a dead devil impaled through the back on a large spear-shaped rock closely resembling a stalagmite.
On the third and final nightly encounter, Tom felt a touch on the neck before falling asleep and abruptly got up and ran to his sister’s room to tell her that something keeps touching him on the neck. Tom’s sister remembers that incident to this day. No further communication between Tom and the apparitions ever was made.
In closing, Tom’s paternal grandmother saw the pair on many occasions and described the female as the Virgin Mary, as Tom learned decades later. Tom put the details of his childhood encounter with the apparitions completely out of his mind until about year 2000 when subjected to “telepathic probing” (as they called it) by what Tom described as the “Not Sees” after they do not see life merely begins after death. The leader of the Not Sees had soul signals of horse manure and a female, a group leader from presumably the CIA at that time, had signals of dog feces. Overall the message from God is that he is alive and well and sees out that door and that he loves us all unconditionally and the Devil’s technology is harmful to the soul and encroaches on God’s domain. The leader of the Not Sees upon learning this called Tom “A Marker”.
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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled.
At Team Care, we are a pioneering virtual care clinic specializing in weight loss, acute, and chronic care services. As a cash-pay business, we do not accept health insurance, allowing us to offer more personalized and accessible care Our services are currently available in Oklahoma, Florida, Oregon, and Washington states.
In publishing and graphic design, Lorem ipsum is a placeholder text commonly used to demonstrate the visual form of a document or a typeface without relying on meaningful content. Lorem ipsum may be used as a placeholder before the final copy is available. Wikipedia